5 Secrets That Make It Easier to Wake Up in the Morning

3 min readOct 6, 2020
Photo by DTE Staff on DownToEarth

Let’s face it, getting out of bed really early can be tough and (let’s be honest) nearly impossible at times. The alarm goes off and you just want to stay wrapped up in bed, warm and cozy, wishing you didn’t have to move. The snooze button gets hit repeatedly and you feel like you didn’t sleep nearly enough.

Of course we get up after a while anyway, usually because we have to, but for many of us it’s painful and we dread that alarm sound. But did you know that spending more than 7–9 hours in bed isn’t good for us?

In fact, it’s unhealthy and studies have shown that oversleeping can cause an increased risk of developing heart disease, obesity and diabetes.

Here are 7 reasons why most people struggle waking up so early:

- Lack of Vitamin D (Sunlight)

- Not Eating a Balanced Diet

- Lack of a Consistent Sleeping Pattern

- Extra Time Laying on The Couch at Night

- Lack of Exercise or Physical Activity

- Impaired Lymphatic System Function (this system filters toxins out of the body, and works best when you’re moving)

The reality is that more sleep doesn’t equal more energy. It actually can make you feel more tired! But don’t worry, (besides coffee or tea) here are 5 NATURAL ways to help you wake up in the morning:

1.) Find The Light

If you struggle to wake up, open those curtains to let the light in.

Melatonin is a hormone produced by your brain and helps to regulate your sleep. Early sunlight gives your brain the right message to activate its hormones, and the rate at which it produces melatonin. I know the last thing anyone wants to do when waking up is to brighten the room, but it will wake you up!

2.) Stay Hydrated

Before you go to bed place a full water bottle beside you and chug it as soon as you wake up.

Being Dehydrated reduces alertness, increases those tired feelings and affects mental concentration. I do this each morning and really feel the difference!

3.) Start The Day With A Healthy Breakfast

It’s been proven that people feel more alert after eating breakfast first thing in the morning.

If your breakfast is high in processed sugar, your energy will drop quickly but if you have a breakfast packed full of complex carbohydrates, fats and protein — alertness lasts longer throughout the morning.

(My go-to is 2 scrambled eggs with whole-grain toast)

4.) Listen To Music

Music has the ability to release feel-good chemicals throughout your body.

Starting your day with your favorite upbeat tunes can get you moving, and is guaranteed to set your day off on a good note :)

5.) Get Active

This one probably sounds obvious but getting up to do something active in the morning gets your blood pumping and releases your feel-good chemicals.

It doesn’t have to be strenuous exercise like a gym class or a run, it can be something simple like going for a walk or doing some stretches, push-ups or sit-ups in the comfort of your own home.

This is also the best way to get your lymphatic system to “wake up” and start doing its job of cleansing the toxins from your body — just this alone is guaranteed to give you more energy!

To sum it up: when it comes to sleep, less is more.

On average you need 7–9 hours of sleep each night. If you’re currently getting 9 or more hours of sleep, any attempt to switch to less may leave you feeling groggy, but only at first.

If you stick at it for about 30 days, it’ll eventually become a habit that leaves you feeling great with MORE energy.

And not only that, but you’ll also have MORE time in your life!

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